Google’s Impressive Phones Face Limited Consumer Demand

New Data Indicates Google’s Impressive Phones Face Limited Consumer Demand

When it comes to any “best” list, one thing is for sure: Google Pixel phones always make an appearance. Whether we’re talking about the best smartphones of 2023 or the best budget phones, Pixel flagships consistently find their way to the top. And let’s not forget about the camera phones category—any list without Pixel phones feels incomplete. With such accolades, it would be reasonable to assume that Pixel phones are flying off the shelves. However, the truth is quite the opposite, according to data from statistics specialist Statista.Google's Impressive Phones Face Limited Consumer Demand

Statista Consumer Insights (via Tutto Android) reveals that Google’s Pixel phones enjoy the most popularity in Australia, with a 5.4 percent market share. The United States and Canada follow suit as the second and third most important markets, boasting market shares of 4.6 percent and 4.5 percent, respectively.

Undoubtedly, these numbers aren’t particularly impressive. Even more concerning is the fact that the report suggests Pixel phones are often considered a one-time purchase by many users. This aligns with another recent report indicating that a staggering 57 percent of current Pixel owners are eager to switch to another brand.

The reputation of Google’s phones being buggy seems to be a major deterrent, despite most issues being eventually resolved. Users simply don’t want to deal with phones that are prone to bugs. Additionally, the fact that other leading manufacturers offer more frequent operating system upgrades than Google doesn’t help the Pixel’s case either.

However, it’s important to cut Google some slack. The Pixel brand is still relatively young, and the smartphone market as a whole is facing challenges. Over the past few years, Google has made significant strides. In 2021, the company gave its phones a massive makeover and started producing its own chips, which have started to bear fruit.

Both the Pixel 6 and Pixel 7 broke internal sales records, and although Google’s market share in the US is small, it still manages to secure the fifth spot as the most popular brand—a noteworthy achievement. While it falls far behind the leading player, Apple, which commands 46 percent of the market, and Samsung, with a 29 percent market share, Google’s upward trajectory is worth acknowledging. Furthermore, the company isn’t afraid to embrace new trends, evident in its recent release of a foldable phone.

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